IP Market Updates
The Year 2024 in Review & Some Predictions!
Hello all, A belated Happy New Year to most of our readers in the world and an early Happy Lunar New Year to our friends in Asia. I hope everyone remains in good health and spirits and fully recharged for the year ahead. Wow! We really finished 2024 with a bang...

And Now What? (Part 2)
Hello all, A belated happy Thanksgiving and holidays wishes to all our readers in the US and a warm welcome to people across all continents entering the mad rush to close deals, buy presents, plan vacations, etc., often all at once and in December alone. A few weeks...

And Now What?
Hello all, We strive to remain neutral in the political climate here at Tangible IP; but I would be remiss not to mention the elephant in the room. Relax… I am not going to dissect the “how” of the election results; we’ll leave this to the pundits. However, now that...

Are There Truly Patent Cartels?
Hello all, It appears our crystal ball was indeed accurate! From our personal experience and in alignment with several industry news outlets, patent deal activity has continued to increase in September, defying the usual summer slowdown. Tangible IP has facilitated...

Hello all, It has been quite exciting to see things pick up in the last month, despite so many people being out of the office. We sense a real shift of momentum in the patent market after a rather sluggish half year. Time to make up for lost time! In this column, we...

Never A Dull Moment
Hello all, We are back after a little break in June. It IS summer after all and, judging by all the out of office messages we are getting these days, you may read this on July 25th or August 25th. Either way, we’re here to catch everyone up on some of the recent...

And the Award Goes To…
Hello all, Every time I think a quiet period in terms of newsworthy IP events is upon us, I am reminded that new events are shaping our global ecosystem on an almost daily basis. Thus, below is a digest of the most important news (in my book) during the past month. I...

IP’s Reader’s Digest
Hello all, These last few weeks were packed with important IP related news. There was new activity on the hill for patent reform, a couple of large verdict awards and a related court decision that could mean even more in the future, a new Canadian budget that contains...

Springing Into a Better Market?
Hello all, Last month, I shared my market predictions for 2024. Now, with Q1 2024 in the rearview mirror and spring in full bloom, there is already notable news that tends to suggest a certain direction. More on this below. On another front, I will review the latest...

2024 Market Predictions
Hello all, They say when making predictions for the year, one should try to make those before March, so the predictions actually predate action. Otherwise, they simply become self-fulfilling prophecies. Well, thanks to this being a leap year, today is the last day to...

The Year in Review and 2024 Market Predictions
Hello all, A belated happy new year to you all and an early happy lunar year to our readers in Asia! 2023 was certainly an interesting year in the IP marketplace. Some good, some bad and definitely some ugly stuff for those who want to monetize their IP. I will cover...

All I Want For Christmas Is… The Perfect Patent
Hello all, This is the season where we find ourselves praying for miracles and hoping for things to take a turn for the better in the year to come. Let’s see how this plays out. A couple of weeks ago, Erika and I attended the 10th annual IP Dealmakers Forum in New...

How is the Market Shaping Up?
Hello all, Next week, our team will be attending the 10th annual IP Dealmakers Forum in New York City. I have attended every single year since its inception and always look forward to great content and catching up with senior business leaders in the IP space. Erika...

Patents 101
Hello all, We are only weeks away from the US Thanksgiving holiday which officially kicks off the holiday season and often represents the last push to close deals before yearend. Apparently, both the judiciary and legislature decided it was a good time to get to work...

Tricks or Treats for the IP Market?
Hello all, After attending and speaking at the latest IP Watchdog Live 2023 in Dulles, our team is back at work and closing on several transactions. True to form, the pace generally accelerates in Q4. While we continue to see significant interest from buyers in the...

Valuation or Value?
Hello all, With the summer holidays in the rearview mirror, we can feel the buzz of a new fall season where everyone looks at those annual lofty goals and realizes that there are only 3 months left to achieve those. OMG! as my millennial kids would say… On our end, we...

IP Cha-Cha-Cha
Hello all, As we reach the famous “dog days” of August and part of the world (aka Europe) unplugs for the month while the US keeps baking under the same heat dome, it is a good time to reflect on how things are shaping up on the IP market front. Certainly, a lot has...

Summer Hopes
Hello all, I hope everyone is enjoying the first weeks of summer, despite the heat domes, the smoke from forest fires and other natural calamities that seem to have accelerated. The first few days of July were officially declared the hottest days on planet Earth ever...

“Dear Chat GPT: Are Patents Good or Bad?”
Hello all, In our last column (Why Bother?), I was commiserating about the poor state of the patent system worldwide (especially in the US) and explaining why, although we shouldn’t lose hope that the pendulum can swing back, it begs the question as to when patents...

Why Bother?
Hello all, In our last two columns, we covered several mistakes made by inventors and their legal counsel when drafting or prosecuting patents, as well as the many tools that defendants have at their disposal to invalidate them or otherwise emerge unscathed from an...

Death By A Thousand Cuts (and How to Avoid It)
Hello all, As this newsletter hits your inbox, I will be in Paris finishing a presentation to our good friends at LESI (Licensing Executive Society International). The topic is the current state of the IP market. However, all this assumes I manage to dodge the endless...

What Did I Do Wrong?
Hello all, I am often asked why so many patents are invalidated or impossible to enforce. When I tell patent owners that we can really only transact 1-2% of the patents we review daily, they do not understand, which is legitimate. Some of it has to do with what the...

How Do You Value Patents? It Depends…
Hello all, I spoke on the topic of patent valuations last Friday in Salt Lake City, and I am always amazed that this topic remains one of certain controversy between, on one hand, what one can model based on GAPP principles, and on the other hand, the reality of the...

Predictions for 2023
Hello all, It’s been an active several weeks in the IP world and I will highlight a few noteworthy topics below. We are also pleased to report several new transactions detailed in our “Tangible IP News” section. Last, but not least, I offer my predictions on what I...

Hello and a very Happy New Year to each of you. Our well wishes would come a bit belatedly if you are reading this in the Western hemisphere, and definitely a bit prematurely if you are in Asia. Either way, it is time to reflect upon 2022 and take stock of the current...

Patent Monetization in a Recession
Hello all, Happy Holidays to each of you. We have now survived Thanksgiving travel and Black Friday and we are gearing up for the final push to Christmas. Never a dull moment. In other parts of the world, China and Iran are (perhaps) realizing what happens when people...

Two New Canaries in the Coal Mine?
Hello all, I often comment on the dichotomy between retail and wholesale patent licensing. The former is the realm of small inventors and SMEs while the latter is the specialty of large patent owners who monetize hundreds if not thousands of patents at once. Over the...

“Patents Are for the Weak” – Elon Musk
Hello all, In an interview with Jay Leno, the ever-controversial Elon Musk dropped a bomb which surprised a lot of observers and created some turmoil in the IP community. Mr. Musk is one of the best-known business leaders and influencers of this era and his musings...

Gathering Clouds… Again
Hello all, It is back to school time and things are picking up again after the summer hiatus. A few weeks ago, I wrote a fairly meaty column reviewing the current state of the market and forecasting some gathering clouds. I suspect however that many of you were...

Gathering Clouds
Hello all, Despite the relative quiet of summer, we’d be remiss to ignore the early signs of a certain “movement” favoring those dedicated (for at least the last decade) to weakening the US patent system. The clouds are indeed gathering over what has been a somewhat...

Kicking the Can
Hello all, The lull of the early summer months provides a great distraction from the shock of recent events that saw the US Supreme Court issue 3 major decisions back-to-back. These decisions fundamentally impacted gun rights, the right to privacy (aka Roe v. Wade)...

Build or Buy?
Hello all, This week was the annual gathering of the IP Business community at the IPBC Global conference in Chicago. I unfortunately had to skip this year, but there was a lot of interesting information coming out of the 2 day conference, mostly from IAM, the...

The Latest Brokered Patent Market Report
Hello all, Although we have experienced a surge of activity in the patent market, and personally sold or otherwise monetized almost all the portfolios we have taken under brokerage in the past year, it is important to look at a greater data set before jumping to any...

I’m a Fast-Growing Company with Little or No IP. What Do I Do Now?
Hello all, Happy belated World IP Day! Indeed, April 26th was the annual day of the year where people are reminded that there are these things called intellectual property rights and they matter! I celebrated that special day by giving a presentation to the bankers at...

We Still Need Brokers, Whether We Like It or Not!
Hello all, Judging by the sheer volume of feedback, our last column entitled, "What Makes a Patent Valuable (or Not)" apparently struck a chord. For those who missed it, here is the link. We often forget the unique nature of this asset class and the specialized skill...

What Makes a Patent Valuable (or Not)!
Hello all, I took 10 days off earlier this month and unplugged from everything, a first for me. Unfortunately, I came back to a world that looked a lot like the start of WW3. … I know I am not alone but, it has been increasingly difficult to watch a David vs. Goliath...

Booster Shot
Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Getting one’s booster shot has been the talk of the town. But who would have guessed that the IP Market would get a shot of its own last week? Yes, I am talking about the $600M patent divestiture recently announced by...

Our Predictions for 2022 (Part II)
Hello all, A couple of weeks ago, I dusted off my crystal ball and reflected on both the market in 2021 and stuck my neck out with my first 5 predictions for the IP market in 2022. You can read that first set here. My first prediction concerning new USPTO Director...

Our Predictions for 2022 (Part 1)
Hello all, A very Happy New Year to all our readers near and far. It’s too bad we all wanted to believe that with the flip of a calendar, 2022 would mark a new era or a return to an era pre-pandemic. Well, well, well. I guess the joke’s on us now as Omicron rages full...

Is This Market Really Going Up?
Hello all, It was a busy two weeks since our last column and our team is back from a great and productive trip in NYC where we attended the IP Dealmakers Forum along with a couple of hundreds of decision makers. I am writing this a little bit ahead of our usual...

The Blooming Phase of Patents
Hello all, What do the Neelakurinji flower and a patent have in common? Read below to find out but, spoiler alert, it has to do with blooming… Let’s start with the latest development; earlier this week saw the USPTO director nominee Kathi Vidal appear in the US Senate...

The Weaponization of Congress
Hello all, We’ve witnessed an increasingly worrisome phenomenon in the US; interest groups are literally weaponizing Congress to advance their agenda in the usually non-controversial patent area (we knew of course this was happening in other areas). In the remaining...

Is this Obama 2.0?
Hello all, Last weekend, I watched “ The Billion Dollar Code,” a 4-episode fictionalized series based on a true story. The series recounted the lawsuit brought forth by a small German startup (Art+Com) in 2014 against Google for infringing their patent. This patent...

Decade of Stolen Dreams
Hello all, September usually marks a return to normalcy, vacations are remembered in pictures, children return to school and work once again becomes the focus of your day. But this year feels different. The fatigue and frustration of the heaviness of the world hangs...

Mid Year Review
Hello and happy summer, With the first half of 2021 already in the books, this felt like the perfect time to pause for a moment and review the current IP market landscape. As our readers know, I focus on 5 criteria that have been fairly reliable predictors over the...

Cutting Corners
Hello all, While many places around the world are battling a massive heat wave (108 F in Seattle???), a lot happened in the IP marketplace in the past few weeks that should leave inventors, well…fuming. It came both from Germany and the US and it is forcing us to...

Inventor vs. Big Tech 2.0
Hello all, Here in the US, the outlook is pretty positive these days. And, I must say, I took for granted the simple joy of a hug. For the more adventurous types, travel is slowly resuming with trips and conferences on the horizon. However, this is a stark contrast to...

It’s Spring, the Perfect Time to do Some Landscaping!
Hello all, We have now reached a delicate juncture in time where the world is rapidly diverging down two roads: countries where the COVID landscape is improving (US, some Asian countries, Israel, Australia, New-Zealand, etc.) and those that are deteriorating before...

Digging A Money Hole

And Then, There Was One
Hello all, A belated Happy Lunar New Year, Valentines Day, Presidents Day or Mardi Gras, depending on when and where you are reading this! We are rapidly approaching a full year of pandemic routine - and let’s be honest, most of us are well past the pandemic fatigue...

This Game Has to Stop!
Hello all, After a few weeks of quasi normalcy on the political front as this new US government works to actually govern, it almost feels like we can focus once again on minimizing the toll of the pandemic and rebuilding our economy. Lest most have forgotten, we still...

What About My Freedom?
Hello all, With 2020 FINALLY behind us, and a few blissful days of hope in 2021, I think most of us saw a light on the horizon and believed 2020 was just a bad dream, a really really bad dream. 2021 is going to be great, right?... sigh. As we all recognize by now,...

Is this Back to the Future for Big Tech?
Hello all, This is our last newsletter in what is undoubtedly a extraordinary year. I do not know that any of us exited 2019 with a clue of what 2020 would hold. If you are like me, you probably can’t wait to turn the page on what historians (and Amazon of course)...

The Plight of the Patent Broker!
Hello all, I often joke with friends and colleagues that if you want to become a millionaire, you start as a billionaire and you become… a patent broker! Indeed, this profession is not for the faint of heart as the latest industry report below explains. However,...

Will a Biden Administration Impact the IP Marketplace?
Hello all, Well... What a week! At this stage, it appears to be a foregone conclusion that the next US administration will be led by Joe Biden and we can only hope this country will at long last start a collective healing process. It’s been long overdue. As in any...

Yes, Some Patents Can Be Worth $2 Billion (Even if Many More are Worthless)
Hello all, If you recall in our last two columns, I postulated that a couple of recent phenomena were poised to positively impact patent valuations, namely a new policy at the PTAB to not institute cases that are already underway in a parallel district court...

Got SEPs?
Hello all, In our previous column just two weeks ago, we examined how the change of guidelines by the USPTO could alter the patent landscape. Remember the ease at which companies could challenge the validity of patents was a great tool used widely by Big Tech to...

Gloves Off for Big Tech
Hello all, Since our August 20th column, a couple of major events took place that may impact things significantly, especially as it pertains to patent valuations. As you know from our periodic analysis of market factors affecting patents as an asset class, one factor...

So many bites at the mighty Apple?
Hello all, I continue to wish safety and health to all our readers as we try to find normality in a very abnormal set of circumstances. I also recognize that each of us has experienced a different version of “new normal” and I remain hopeful that there is a light at...

Mid-Year Patent Litigation Updates
Hello all, With the passing of time, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet someone who has not been impacted, directly or indirectly, by this insidious virus, whether health or work wise. With summer firmly in place, this is no time to let our guard down; we all...

A Recap of 2019 and Q1 2020 Patent Transactions
Hello all, With so much turmoil and heartbreak the past month it felt rather inappropriate to be writing about the state of something as mundane as the IP Marketplace. Indeed, in only a matter of weeks, we went from feeling giddy at the thought of the world cautiously...

The Numbers Are In!
Hello all, As the world gradually experiments with the incremental reopening of global economies, no one really knows what the real impact of deconfinement will be. Simple things that only two months ago were considered perfectly routine activities now come with their...

Who Can Be a Person? Hint: Not the One You Think
Hello all, Another few weeks of confinement are now in the books. Most of us are in desperate need of a good haircut and honestly, our dogs are too. You are likely very tired of having to cook every day, watching “classic” sport game reruns on TV has finally...

Necessity is the Mother of Invention
Hello all, I find it striking that amidst the carnage of COVID-19, we are once again singularly focused on innovation and having to think outside the proverbial box. From masks and ventilators, to preemptive vaccines or potential cures, everyone has rediscovered the...

Innovating in Uncertain Times
Hello all, If you live almost anywhere on planet Earth, these past several weeks have probably been among the most disruptive in your life. Sadly, there is still much uncertainty as to what lies ahead. Nevertheless, we should count our blessings, as most of us...

The Patent Market in the time of COVID-19
Hello all, First and foremost, I hope each and every one of you and your respective families are staying healthy and practicing proper social distancing in order to reduce the propagation of COVID-19 worldwide. We are in a unique situation where the simple act of...

Short Stories
Hello all, I don’t know where the month of February went but we’ve sure kept busy! We announced a few days ago that we successfully brokered 3 licenses back to back for a small client’s portfolio and we have several more transactions closing in the next few weeks for...

2020 Hindsight!
(You only get to make that joke once, so I just could not pass on the opportunity 😊) Hello all and Happy New Year/New Decade to you, whether it is the one that just started or, for our Asian friends, the one about to start. First the good news: we closed...

Santa’s Bag is Full of Surprises
Hello all, While many are busy musing over their end of the year review, I’ve decided to keep mine for early January as too many interesting events took place in the past few weeks to just gloss over. In short, we saw several back to back large patent awards, a rarity...

Buyers’ Market No More?
Hello all, We are publishing this a little bit behind schedule due to the passing of a close family member and we will publish our short stories separately as soon as I can complete the hours of research it takes to aggregate them all. But I do want to remind you in...

November 8 Updates
Hello all, First, we recently announced that we have been retained exclusively to bring to market new patent portfolios belonging to Siemens and We Transfer. We also just released a large semiconductor portfolio originating from ST Micro, with about 150 assets in...

The Case for Acquiring Patents
Hello all, If the health of the IP market is directly correlated to the number of offers received on patent portfolios available for sale then, I would say our patient is doing much better than 6-12 months ago. We have, in recent months, received numerous offers on...

September Uptick
Hello all, Well, it was another busy few weeks filled with IP market-related developments. Below is our “short stories” edition, which (as a reminder) we rotate along with our more “in depth” analyses like the one I wrote earlier this month. Please click on any story...

Mid-Year Review
Well friends… Summer is over! Which means it’s time to take a step back now that we have firmly closed the first half of the year (and are mid-way through Q3) and look at some indicators that tend to explain current and future market trends. When searching for...

Summer Updates
Happy summer everyone! I hope you are reading this on the beach or from some other exotic place recharging your batteries before the busy fall season. Going forward, I’m making a few changes to the newsletter. For starters, the column will be a bit shorter and...

‘Help, I Need Somebody. Help’
Paul McCartney is not the only one gradually losing his voice... Sometimes, Courts also speak the loudest by what they do not say. Indeed, the US Supreme Court, in the Investpic v. SAP America case, had the opportunity - for the 44th time- to clarify the...

Patent Reform 2.0
The latest Gallup poll shows that only 20% of the US population approves of the work being done by our US Congress. For comparison, half of the population believes in aliens… As the saying goes, a bipartisan Congress can accomplish great things, except, it never...

The Curse of the Lonely Patent
Day in, day out, we are contacted by inventors who developed some novel contraption or concept for which they received a patent. However, because they focused on one single invention, unsurprisingly, they generally end up with one single patent. It either...

Are We Back to Square One?
April 9, 2019 Maybe it was just too good to be true… After years of being on the receiving end of a patent system stacked against them, things were finally starting to improve for US inventors. Under USPTO Director Iancu’s tireless crusade to restore faith in the US...

State of the Union
To start us off and in case you missed it, last week, we reported yet another successfully brokered deal with a voluntary licensee. Second, we were recently retained by the prestigious National Research Council of Canada to advise them on their overall intellectual...

A Year of Transition
A belated Happy New Year to all of you! As I reflect upon this column, which has gone through various permutations over the last 7 years, I am amazed by how readership has grown organically from a dozen (including several family members 😊) to over 15,000...

Mr. Iancu Goes to Washington
“Remarkably, in what I believe amounts to Orwellian ‘doublespeak,’ those who’ve been advancing the patent troll narrative argue that they do so because they are actually pro-innovation. That by their highlighting, relentlessly, the dangers in the patent system, they...

Follow the Money
If you’re curious as to whether the IP Market is trending up or down, you can use vector-based analysis on a series of indicators (as we did in our previous column) or you can simply follow the money. One may ask the question, “is the flow of money coming in, directly...

Mid-Year Review
Now that we have firmly closed the first half of the year and are mid-way through Q3, it is a good time to look at some indicators that tend to explain current and future market trends. Whenever I search for influencers of the IP marketplace, I generally look for the...

The Soul of Patents
The recent issuance by the USPTO of its 10 millionth patent marked a symbolic milestone. More importantly, it gave pause for many to reflect upon the fundamental question: why does one file for a patent? Those, like us, who personally interact with inventors daily...

Are we entering IP Market 2.0?
Two weeks ago, the who’s who of the Intellectual Property business community descended on San Francisco to attend the annual IPBC Global 2018. It is at this conference that decision makers from various entities that comprise the IP market convene with the hopes of...

Perhaps There Are Benefits to Cutting Corners
Undoubtedly, the biggest news in the IP community in the past few weeks was the verdict from a California jury that hammered Samsung on May 24th with a $539M award in favor of Apple for literally…cutting corners as per image below. A Samsung...

Help is on the Way!
These were the words from new USPTO director Andrei Iancu when I spoke to him last Thursday at the AIPLA Spring meeting in Seattle (Tangible IP was a sponsor). I’ll come back to this in a minute. By now however, anyone who follows the IP world (even distantly)...

Has the tide just turned?
First, the good news: last month, I commented about the trio of cases for the Federal District (which is the appeals division for all IP cases in the US) that seemed to open the first chink in the Alice armor. As a refresher, Alice is the US Supreme Court case...

Is Alice back in Wonderland?
In this wonderful world of intellectual property, a lot can happen in the course of a month and this last month between our newsletters is no exception. So, where do we start? Let’s maybe launch with the latest news that the Trump administration’s new trade war is now...
Bitcoins, “Bit-Cars,” and Bittersweet News
A few momentous events took place this past week that have important IP related ramifications; i) Crypto currency (aka Bitcoins), after surging spectacularly for months - from $1,000 to $19,000 - continued their apparently limitless climb after it became possible to...
Press & Media
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of AST’s IP3 2023 Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JANUARY 20, 2025. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of Allied Security Trust’s (AST) IP3...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of NFC Controlled Smart Lighting Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JANUARY 20, 2025. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 5000 patents successfully sold, announced that they brokered the sale of an NFC Controlled Smart Lighting...
Tangible IP Team Recognized in IAM Strategy 300 Global Leaders 2025
Seattle – DECEMBER 4, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that Louis Carbonneau, Founder and CEO, and Erika Warner, SVP...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of High Frequency Trading Patent Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 7, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 5000 patents successfully sold, announced that they brokered the sale of a high frequency trading patent...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of Smart Refrigerator Technology Patent Portfolio
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 24, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Team Named Again Among World’s Leading IP Strategists by IAM 300
Seattle – AUGUST 20, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that Louis Carbonneau, Founder and CEO, and Erika Warner, SVP...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Voluntary Licenses to Network Communications Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JUNE 3, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that they brokered multiple voluntary licenses for the seller of a patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Brokers Voluntary License to Semiconductor Patent Portfolio
Seattle – MARCH 6, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the license of a patent portfolio directly relevant to...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Multiple Lots of AST’s IP3 2022 Patent Portfolio
Seattle – FEBRUARY 8, 2024. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of multiple Lots of Allied Security Trust’s...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of Water Management Technology Portfolio
Seattle – DECEMBER 21, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a water management technology...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of Data Storage Technology Patent Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 14, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a data storage technology patent...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of HVAC Air Filter Sensor Patent Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 3, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a HVAC air filter sensor technology...
Tangible IP Team Named Again Among World’s Leading IP Strategists by IAM 300
Seattle – OCTOBER 4, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that Louis Carbonneau, Founder and CEO, and Erika Warner, VP of Brokerage, were...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of AST’s User Authentication Patent Portfolio
Seattle – AUGUST 30, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that they brokered the sale of a user authentication patent portfolio owned by...

IP Market Updates Celebrates 20,000 Subscribers
Seattle – JULY 13, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it's montly publication, IP Market Updates, now reaches over 20,000 subscribers....
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Multiple Lots of AST’s IP3 2021 Patent Portfolio Ahead of Releasing the IP3 2022 Portfolio This Summer
Seattle – JUNE 9, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of multiple Lots of Allied Security Trust’s...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Voluntary Licenses for Semiconductor Portion of Patent Portfolio
Seattle – May 8, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered multiple voluntary licenses for the seller of a...
Tangible IP Brokers the Sale of a Portion of a Digital Content Patent Portfolio
Seattle – APRIL 17, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a portion of a digital content...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of Smartphone Camera Patent Portfolio
Seattle – APRIL 10, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a smartphone camera technology patent...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Data Processing Patent Portfolio
Seattle – MARCH 2, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered multiple voluntary licenses for the seller of a...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Cellular/Wireless Patent Portfolio
Seattle – FEBRUARY 9, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered multiple voluntary licenses for the seller of a...
Tangible IP Brokers Sale of Low Energy Bluetooth RF Module Patent Portfolio
Seattle – FEBRUARY 1, 2023. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a low energy Bluetooth RF module...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Quality Control/Assurance Patent Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 23, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered multiple voluntary licenses for the seller of...
Tangible IP Retained Again by AST to Broker IP3 2021 Portfolio
Seattle – OCTOBER 3, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced they have been retained exclusively for the second consecutive year...
Tangible IP Announces the Launch of New Blockchain IP Fund
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 23, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced the launch of a new IP Fund aimed at aggregating blockchain patent assets. The...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Additional Lots of AST’s IP3 2020 Patent Portfolio
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 7, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of two additional Lots of Allied Security...
Tangible IP CEO Named Again as One of the World’s Leading IP Strategists
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 7, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents successfully brokered, announced that its Founder and CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau, was among the...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Large Computer Vision and Image Processing Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JULY 11, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a computer vision and image processing...
Tangible IP Brokers Several Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Application Programming Interface (API) Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JUNE 23, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that they brokered several voluntary licenses for the seller of an Application...
Tangible IP Brokers Several Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Search Querying Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JUNE 16, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that they brokered several voluntary licenses for the seller of a Search Result...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Semiconductor Patent Portfolio
Seattle – MAY 26, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio originating from a...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Another Lot of AST’s IP3 2020 Patent Portfolio
Seattle – MAY 3, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of another Lot of Allied Security Trust’s (AST)...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Cloud Computing Patent Portfolio
Seattle – MARCH 22, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 5000 patents sold, announced that they brokered the sale of a Cloud Computing patent portfolio. This was after a...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Digital Content Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JANUARY 21, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio owned by Media I/P,...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Portion of AST IP3 2020 Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JANUARY 13, 2022. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of 10 Lots of Allied Security Trust’s (AST)...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Honeywell Smart Home & Building Management Patent Portfolio
Seattle – DECEMBER 16, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents sold, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a six family patent portfolio pertaining...
Tangible IP Brokers Voluntary License for Seller of Touch Screen Display Patent Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 19, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered a voluntary license for the seller of a Touch...
Tangible IP Brokers Four Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Cloud Computing Patent Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 11, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered four licenses with various Fortune 500...
Tangible IP CEO Named Again as One of the World’s Leading IP Strategists
Seattle – NOVEMBER 9, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that its Founder and CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau, was among the...
Tangible IP Brokers Three Voluntary Licenses for Seller of Xerox Originating Patent Portfolio
Seattle – OCTOBER 26, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered three licenses with various Fortune 500...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Receipt Scanning & Personal Finance Management Patent Portfolio
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 27, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Large Display Technology Patent Portfolio Originating from Seiko
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 7, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with now over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that it brokered the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to...
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by AST to Broker IP3 2020 Portfolio
Seattle – JUNE 17, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced they have been retained exclusively by Allied Security Trust (AST) to...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Video Processing, Encoding and Streaming Patent Portfolio Owned by France Brevets
Seattle – MAY 4, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to video...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Cybersecurity & Encryption Patent Portfolio
Seattle – MARCH 31, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of a Portion of Siemens Mobile Communications Patent Portfolio
Seattle – FEBRUARY 15, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced that it brokered the initial sale of a portion of a patent...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Licenses for Seller of Wireless Payments & Transactions Patent Portfolio
Seattle – JANUARY 7, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered several licenses with various Fortune 500...
Tangible IP Brokers Multiple Licenses for Seller of Wireless Headset Patent Portfolio
Seattle – DECEMBER 17, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they brokered several licenses with various Fortune 500...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Korea Telecom Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 25, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, the leading international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a 72 asset patent portfolio pertaining to 3GPP and WiMAX...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Vehicle to Vehicle Communication Portfolio
Seattle – NOVEMBER 9, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they successfully brokered the sale of a 13 asset patent...
Tangible IP Brokers Five Licenses for Seller of Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality Patent Portfolio
Seattle – OCTOBER 1, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3500 patents successfully brokered, announced that they successfully brokered five licenses with various Fortune...
Tangible IP Brokers Four Licenses for Seller of Video Processing, Encoding and Streaming Patent Portfolio Owned by France Brevets
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 2, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3500 patents successfully brokered, announced that they successfully brokered four licenses with various...
Tangible IP CEO Named Again as One of the World’s Leading IP Strategists
Seattle – AUGUST 28, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with offices in San Francisco and Montreal, announced today that its Founder and CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau, was among the...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of 20 Interactive Music & AR/VR Patents
Seattle – JULY 1, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3500 patents successfully brokered, announced that it successfully completed the sale of a 20 asset patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Mobile Messaging Patents
Seattle – JUNE 2, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3500 patents successfully brokered, announced that it successfully completed the sale of a patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Brokers 4 Additional Licenses for Seller of Mobile Messaging Patents
Seattle – APRIL 6, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced the additional licensing of a patent portfolio pertaining to Mobile...
Tangible IP Announces the Sale of Multifactor Authentication Portfolio
Seattle – MARCH 25, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio...
Tangible IP Brokers Three Additional Licenses for Seller of Multifactor Authentication Portfolio
Seattle – FEBRUARY 26, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced that they successfully brokered three additional licenses for a...
Tangible IP Brokers Voluntary License for Seller of Mobile Messaging Patents
Seattle – JANUARY 22, 2020. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced the limited licensing of a patent portfolio pertaining to Mobile...
Tangible IP Announces the Consecutive Sales of Two Patent Portfolios
Seattle – DECEMBER 5, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, just announced the consecutive sales of two distinct patent portfolios that...
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by WeTransfer to Broker Their Portfolio
Seattle - OCTOBER 29, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 3000 patents successfully brokered since inception, announced they have been retained exclusively by...
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by Siemens AG to Broker Their Portfolio
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 24, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with well over 3000 patents successfully brokered since inception, announced they have been retained exclusively by...
Tangible IP Recognized Again Among World’s Top Patent Brokers in 2018
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 9, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC was again recognized as one of the top worldwide patent brokers of 2018. As prices stabilize and the market rebounds, Tangible IP continues to be a major player in the patent brokerage arena, representing a large market...
Tangible IP CEO Named As One of the World’s Leading IP Strategists
Seattle – JUNE 12, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with offices in San Francisco and Montreal, announced today that its Founder and CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau, was among the...
Tangible IP Secures License for Seller of Multi Factor Authentication Portfolio
Seattle – APRIL 4, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced the limited licensing of a patent portfolio pertaining to multi...
Tangible IP Secures License from Fortune 50 on Remote Desktop Patents
Seattle – FEBRUARY 12, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced that is has successfully brokered a significant license of a...
National Research Council Canada (NRC) Retains Tangible IP To Develop IP Strategy
Montreal (QC) – JANUARY 25TH, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international Intellectual Property advisory firm and patent brokerage announced today that it has been retained by the prestigious National Research Council of Canada to advise them on their overall...
Tangible IP Secures Additional License for Seller of Marketing Automation Software Patent Portfolio
Seattle, WA – JANUARY 7, 2019 – TANGIBLE IP announced the second licensing agreement for a patent portfolio pertaining to Marketing Automation Software, belonging to Trident Holdings, Inc. The identity of the licensee nor financial details of the agreement could be...
Tangible IP Announces Sale of Mobile Banking and Image Submission Patent Portfolio
Seattle, WA – NOVEMBER 29, 2018 – TANGIBLE IP announced the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to Mobile Banking and Media Submission, Processing and Distribution, belonging to Dallas Texas-based company Summit 6, LLC. This latest transaction comes after Tangible...
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by Orange S.A.
Seattle, WA – JULY 2018 – TANGIBLE IP announced that after being recently selected by both Google and HPE as their exclusive patent broker, they have now also been retained exclusively by Fortune 500 company Orange S.A. (formerly known as France Telecom S.A.) to...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Large Automotive Collision Avoidance Patent Portfolio
Seattle, WA – FEBRUARY 21, 2018: THE COMPLETE SALE OF LARGE AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION AVOIDANCE PATENT PORTFOLIO Leading Patent Brokerage Firm Off to a Great Start in 2018 after Posting Strong Results in 2017. Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Critical Notification...
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by HP Enterprise
Seattle, WA – JANUARY 2018 – TANGIBLE IP has been retained EXCLUSIVELY by HP Enterprise to broker their portfolio
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by Allied Inventors (formerly the IDF Fund of Intellectual Ventures)
Seattle, WA – JANUARY 2018 – TANGIBLE IP has been retained EXCLUSIVELY by ALLIED INVENTORS (formerly the IDF Fund of Intellectual Ventures) to broker their portfolio
Tangible IP Secures License for Seller of Mobile Banking and Image Submission Patent Portfolio
Seattle, WA – JANUARY 12, 2018: Tangible IP Secures License for Seller of Mobile Banking and Image Submission Patent Portfolio Portfolio Still Available For Sale or Additional Licenses
Tangible IP Retained Exclusively by Google
Seattle, WA – AUGUST 2017 - TANGIBLE IP has been retained EXCLUSIVELY by GOOGLE to broker several of their portfolios
Tangible IP CEO Named one of World’s Leading IP Strategists for 6th Consecutive Year
New! Seattle – June 16, 2017: Tangible IP CEO Named as one of the World’s Leading IP Strategists for the 6th Consecutive Year TANGIBLE IP announced today that its Founder & CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau, was among the World’s Leading IP Strategists named to the...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Voicemail Delivery and Unified Communication Patent Portfolio
Seattle - July 18, 2016: Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Voicemail Delivery and Unified Communication Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with offices in San...
Tangible IP CEO Named as One of The World’s Leading IP Strategists
Seattle - June 22, 2016: Tangible IP CEO Named as One of The World’s Leading IP Strategists TANGIBLE IP announced today that its Founder and CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau, was among the World’s Leading IP Strategists named to the Intellectual Asset Magazine (IAM) Strategy...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Tablet Computer Design Portfolio
Barcelona - May 5, 2016: Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Tablet Computer Design Portfolio TANGIBLE IP, LLC announced that it had successfully brokered the sale of the patent portfolio of Over the Sun, LLC and brainchild of inventor Kai Staats around Mr. Staats...
Tangible IP to Sponsor Upcoming IP Business Congress Global 2016 in Barcelona (June 5-7)
Seattle – May 22, 2016: Tangible IP to Sponsor Upcoming IP Business Congress Global 2016 in Barcelona (June 5-7) TANGIBLE IP announced that it will be sponsoring the upcoming annual Intellectual Property Business Congress (IPBC Global 2016) which will take place in...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Location-Based Social Networking Patent Portfolio
Seattle – May 2, 2016: Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Location-Based Social Networking Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with offices in San Francisco and...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Mobile Advertising Patent Portfolio
Seattle - April 5, 2016: Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Mobile Advertising Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced that it had successfully brokered the sale of the patent portfolio of inventor American Kenneth J. Kramer, LLC in the field of mobile...
“Scaliatic” Nerve: Will Vacancy Caused by Passing of Justice Scalia Put Us Supreme Court in a Pinch on IP Matters?
“Scaliatic” Nerve: Will Vacancy Caused by Passing of Justice Scalia Put Us Supreme Court in a Pinch on IP Matters?
Tangible IP Announces Record Transactions for 2015
Seattle - February 5, 2016: Tangible IP Announces Record Transactions for 2015 TANGIBLE IP closed the books on a torrid 2015 with the successful closing of double-digit patent sales during the last calendar year, despite what is still considered to be a very tight...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Mass Flow Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing Patent Portfolio
Seattle - January 22, 2016.Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Mass Flow Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced that it had successfully brokered the sale of the patent portfolio of Cyber Instruments Technology, LLC. (“Cyber...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Location Services Patent Portfolio
Seattle - December 8, 2015: Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Location Services Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced that it had successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to location services belonging to Florida based company Mexens IP...
Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Cloud Network and Storage Patent Portfolio
Seattle - September 15, 2015: Tangible IP Announces Completed Sale of Cloud Network and Storage Patent Portfolio Tangible IP announced the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to hosted services, cloud network & storage portfolio technology belonging to MaxSP...
Tangible IP Announces Sale of Automotive Patent Portfolio
Seattle – September 10, 2015: Tangible IP Announces Sale of Automotive Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to electronic vehicle inspections belonging to Seattle-based company Fleettrakker, LLC. The identity of the buyer...
Tangible IP Announces Sale of the Sale of Amperometric Diagnostic Analysis Patent Portfolio
Seattle – July 20, 2015: Tangible IP Announces Sale of the Sale of Amperometric Diagnostic Analysis Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced today the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to AMPEROMETRIC DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS technology belonging to Tall Oak Ventures,...
Tangible IP Sponsors IPBC 2015
Tangible IP was a sponsor of the annual IP Business Congress - Global 2015 held in San Francisco on June 14-16, 2015.
Louis Carbonneau Named One of the World’s Leading IP Strategists for the 4th Consecutive Year
Seattle - June 18, 2015: Louis Carbonneau Named One of the World's Leading IP Strategists for the 4th Consecutive Year TANGIBLE IP announced today that its Founder & CEO, Mr. Louis Carbonneau was named again in 2015 as one of the World's Leading Intellectual...
TIP Announces Sale of Financial Management System Patent Portfolio
Seattle - June 8, 2015: TIP Announces Sale of Financial Management System Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced today the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to Financial Management System technology belonging to individual inventor Elizabeth Dyor. Despite the...
TIP Announces Sale of Media Targeting Patent Portfolio
Seattle - Apriil 27, 2015: TIP Announces Sale of Media Targeting Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced today the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to Media Targeting and & Optimization technology belonging to Working Research, Inc. Despite the recent demise...
Tangible IP Announces Sale of Database Portfolio
Seattle – March 23, 2015: Tangible IP Announces Sale of Database Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced today the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to relational database technology belonging to TMLN Royalty, Inc. (“TMLN”), formerly TimeLine. The specifics of the...
Tangible IP Announces Record Performance for 2014
Seattle – February 23, 2015: Tangible IP Announces Record Performance for 2014 TANGIBLE IP closed the books on a successful 2014 fiscal year with sales that far exceeded industry average for all transactions it brokered last year. Taking in to account all patent sales...
Pointers: What Makes a Patent Valuable
What Makes a Patent Valuable
How to Work with Brokers and Buyers
This article first appeared in the 2015 edition of the IAM Yearbook: Building IP value in the 21st century, a supplement to Intellectual Asset Management (IAM), published by The IP Media Group. To view the guide in full, please go to How to Work...
Tangible IP Beefs Up Its Management Team
Seattle – October 3, 2014: Tangible IP Beefs Up Its Management Team TANGIBLE IP announced today that several senior and well respected industry experts have joined its management team. These additions will allow the firm to add varied and deep technical expertise to...
Tangible IP Announces Sale of Video on Demand Patent Portfolio
Seattle – September 9, 2014: Tangible IP Announces Sale of Video on Demand Patent Portfolio TANGIBLE IP announced the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to Video on Demand (VOD) belonging to Canadian company VVS Virtual Video Systems, Inc. (“VVS”). The financials...
Tangible IP Secures License for Seller of Vehicle Inspection Patent Portfolio
Seattle - August 6, 2014: Tangible IP Secures License for Seller of Vehicle Inspection Patent Portfolio Tangible IP announced the license of a patent portfolio pertaining to electronic vehicle inspections belonging to Seattle-based company Fleettrakker, LLC to...