Montreal (QC) – JANUARY 25TH, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international Intellectual Property advisory firm and patent brokerage announced today that it has been retained by the prestigious National Research Council of Canada to advise them on their overall intellectual property practices and strategy. The NRC was established in 1916 and is the Government of Canada’s largest research organization supporting industrial innovation, the advancement of knowledge and technology development, and fulfilling government mandates. Close to 4,000 people across Canada are employed by the NRC, including several Nobel prize winners. In addition, NRC also employs guest workers from universities, companies, and public and private-sector organizations. The NRC partners with Canadian industry to take research impacts from the lab to the marketplace, where people can experience the benefits.
National Research Council Canada (NRC) Retains Tangible IP To Develop IP Strategy
by Louis Carbonneau | Jan 25, 2019 | Tangible IP News