Seattle – APRIL 4, 2019. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 3000 patents successfully brokered, announced the limited licensing of a patent portfolio pertaining to multi factor authentication, belonging to WiKID, Inc. The identity of the licensee nor financial details of the agreement could be disclosed. This license provides further validation to the scope and relevance of the WiKID portfolio with respect to the secure authentication technology. The portfolio proves its foundational value as it is directly relevant to the FIDO Alliance standards. The portfolio remains available for sale to others and highly relevant to industry, as it is widely practiced by a number of industry leaders. It should be noted that the above license was voluntary and occurred as a result of Tangible IP’s outreach to sell the portfolio and did not involve any assertion related activity.
Tangible IP Secures License for Seller of Multi Factor Authentication Portfolio
by Louis Carbonneau | Apr 4, 2019 | Tangible IP News