by Tangible IP | Sep 27, 2021 | Tangible IP News
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 27, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that it successfully brokered the sale of a patent portfolio... by Louis Carbonneau | Sep 10, 2021 | IP Market Updates
Hello all, September usually marks a return to normalcy, vacations are remembered in pictures, children return to school and work once again becomes the focus of your day. But this year feels different. The fatigue and frustration of the heaviness of the world hangs... by Tangible IP | Sep 7, 2021 | Tangible IP News
Seattle – SEPTEMBER 7, 2021. TANGIBLE IP, LLC, an international patent brokerage and Intellectual Property advisory firm headquartered in Seattle, with now over 4500 patents successfully brokered, announced that it brokered the sale of a patent portfolio pertaining to...